ペルシャ語で「隠された」という意味のNahoftは、イラン人ユーザーのためにカスタムメイドされた最先端の暗号化モバイルアプリです。メッセンジャーではないのですが、イラン国家が管理するもの含め、あらゆるメッセージアプリで使用することができます。インターネットが遮断された場合や、国際的なメッセージアプリが利用できない場合、Nahoftは安全でないネットワークでプライベートな通信を安全に行うことができます。 Nahoftの目的は、(1)イラン人に機密保持とデジタルの自由を提供すること、(2)イラン・イスラム共和国に、国民のインターネットの自由を制限する彼らの努力は、あらゆる段階で阻止されることを示すことです。
2019年11月にイランで起きた残忍で血なまぐさいアバン抗議運動は、彼らにとってもUnited for Iranにとっても、Nahoftを作ることが急務であるという警鐘になりました。抗議活動の間、イラン・イスラム共和国は丸1週間インターネットを遮断することに成功し、事実上市民を箝口令で縛り、盲目にしたのです。イランから出入りする情報は一切ありませんでした。一方、この国家ぐるみのブラックアウトの間、イラン軍は自国民を無慈悲に取り締まり、少なくとも304人の男女と子どもを殺害し、7000人を逮捕しました。

United for Iran
United States
The idea for the Nahoft app was born in 2012, on a bus in Turkey when an Iranian dissident journalist who needs to stay anonymous and Iranian student activist and security expert, Reza Ghazinouri, now both U.S residents, discussed freedom of press in a deeply repressive country they love, but both had to flee.
They approached United for Iran—Bay-Area NGO working to promote civil liberties and civil society—project to create an app that would allow Iranian people and the diaspora to stay connected during total Internet blackouts and other crisis situations, which were getting more frequent in an increasingly economically and politically unstable Iran.
Ultimately, the app was built with a help of technologists at the Operator Foundation, who are renown for creating bespoke technology solutions for groups working in repressive, surveilled, and unsafe conditions—people who are highly vulnerable and at high risk.
The idea for the Nahoft app was born in 2012, on a bus in Turkey when an Iranian dissident journalist who needs to stay anonymous and Iranian student activist and security expert, Reza Ghazinouri, now both U.S residents, discussed freedom of press in a deeply repressive country they love, but both had to flee.
They approached United for Iran—Bay-Area NGO working to promote civil liberties and civil society—project to create an app that would allow Iranian people and the diaspora to stay connected during total Internet blackouts and other crisis situations, which were getting more frequent in an increasingly economically and politically unstable Iran.
Ultimately, the app was built with a help of technologists at the Operator Foundation, who are renown for creating bespoke technology solutions for groups working in repressive, surveilled, and unsafe conditions—people who are highly vulnerable and at high risk.
Firuzeh Mahmoudi – Executive Director, United for Iran / Milad Keshtan – Programs Lead, United for Iran / Reza Ghazinouri – Security Expert and Co-founder of Nahoft