No. 251

the yellow see

By : Lynn Kim

Entrant’s location : United States



"the yellow see" is a short film that uses imagery of food, consumption, and immigrant experiences to interrogate the relationship between three bodies: the yellow sea, the yellow corvina fish, and my own yellow body as an Asian-American. What does it mean to consume a yellow body, whether it is sea, fish, or human? How are these bodies seen and used? What is the degradation of these bodies, what is the nourishment for these bodies?

What did you create?

"the yellow see" is a poetic short film centered on three types of yellow bodies: oceanic, animal, and human. The work examines the relationships and parallels between the Yellow Sea, the yellow corvina fish (native to the Yellow Sea), and my own “yellow” body as a Korean-American. The film uses live-action video footage and animated sequences to weave through imagery of food preparation, consumption, trade/distribution, and immigrant experiences to interrogate the relationship we have with our bodies. What does it mean to consume a yellow body, whether it is sea, fish, or human? What does it mean to transform the yellow body, or to imagine different types of bodies and their methods of survival?

Why did you make it?

I made "the yellow see" in an attempt to expand and explore what it means for certain bodies to be sustained and transformed. The film is inspired by my experience as a Korean-American in the United States, and how East-Asian bodies are called "yellow" (often in a negative, racist manner). I saw an interesting connection between this label of "yellow" for my body and the Yellow Sea and also the yellow corvina fish that is fished and eaten in many parts of Asia. I hope my film can help to show viewers how these three types of bodies are similar and different, and in what ways we relate to other bodies that are not our own.

How did you make it?

I made "the yellow see" by collecting video footage of myself, my parents, and my home neighborhood. I also animated several sequences with pen/pencil, graphite, and ink. These collected videos were then collaged on the computer using Adobe software. All sound and voice recording is by me or collected by me as well.

Your entry’s specification

My work is a digital file - 1920x1080 HD Quicktime .mov.