No. 129

" appearance / disappearance "

By : kaori

Entrant’s location : 日本



6分57秒ループ 2004年 スクリーン ビデオプロジェクター DVDプレーヤー アンプリファイヤー スピーカー 可変(プロジェクションに必要な、部屋の最小限のサイズ:8m × 3m) この作品は、映像のプロジェクションインスタレーション作品です。 部屋の中央に, 平行に配置された二つのスクリーンは、とても薄い布で出来ていて、向こう側が透けて見えます。その二つのスクリーンを、両側から挟む様に配置された二つの ヴィデオプロジェクターから、二つの映像がそれぞれのスクリーンに投影されています。この二つのスクリーンに投影された映像は、似ていますが、それぞれ 違っています。映像は、真っ暗なイメージから始まります。どこからか球体が飛んで来て、画面に衝突し、ゆっくりと漂い消えて行きます。球体は、画面に何度 も衝突し、徐々にその出現する感覚は縮まっていきます。球体が衝突する衝撃に耐えられなくなった画面には白い小さな傷が入っていきます。衝突の度に、真っ 暗な画面には、白く光る傷とその破片が飛び散り、最後には、真っ暗だった空間は、激しい衝突によって生まれた光の破片で埋め尽くされていくのです。

What did you create?

This is a double-projection video installation. A work that projects images from two video projectors on two screens made of a thin cloth that allows light to pass in parallel to the center of the room. In the image, a round ball repeatedly collides toward the screen from the dark image at first, and white scratches are gradually left on the screen. Due to the impact of repeated collisions, the white scratches are shattered and scattered into light debris that spreads on the screen and around it.

Why did you make it?

I was interested in the destruction, the process, and the creations that occurred during this process. Therefore, the process of destruction was filmed. And as a work, I wanted to create a space where viewers can experience the process of destruction. So I decided to take the form of video projection installation.

How did you make it?

In this work, we decided to use a colorless and transparent glass sheet as a material for photographing the destruction process. In the video, we photographed a process in which a colorless and transparent glass sheet was destroyed by the energy of collision by an iron sphere. The colorless and transparent glass sheet in the image cannot be seen in the dark. The invisible glass sheet repeatedly collides with iron spheres and gradually leaves white scratches. Video footage was taken of the cracks resulting from small white scratches on the glass sheet, and the transformation into pieces of broken glass. Two such practical images were shot, and two video images were projected onto each screen on two screens arranged in parallel in the center of the room, and projected from both sides of the screen. This screen is made of a transparent thin cloth like organdy, picks up the light from the video projector and spreads throughout the room. The collision of iron spheres and the resulting white scratches, cracks and broken glass spread around the two screens arranged in parallel and their surroundings as light debris and broken pieces. Viewers can walk around the light and sound installation space by passing around and between screens.

Your entry’s specification

6 min. 57 sec. cycle2004ScreenVideo projectorDVD playerAmplifierSpeakerVariable (a necessity minimum size for the video projections is 8m ×3m)