No. 116


By : Kanji Yumisashi

Entrant’s location : 日本



2011年4月18日に栃木県鹿沼市で発生した「鹿沼市クレーン車暴走事故」を題材に 事故の当事者である被害者側、及び加害者側双方から事故についての話を聞き それを元に「交通事故における加害/被害」について決して白or黒といった2項対立では片づけられない問題についての思考を促すような作品です!

What did you create?

The theme of the exhibition is “About damage / damage in traffic accidents”.It is an installation with a time axis that is mainly drawn from picture to picture.The theme is the "Kanuma crane car runaway accident" that occurred in Kanuma City, Tochigi Prefecture at 7:45 am on April 18, 2011.In this accident, a man who suffered from epilepsy had a seizure while driving a crane truck, and six children died in the row of elementary school students who were attending a group.After criminal and civil trials, not only the criminal male but also his mother (who was asked to take responsibility for supervision of his son) lost, and now eight years have passed since the accident, the mother continues to atone for the children.I met both the victim and the perpetrator, and tried to create an exhibition where I could think about the harm / damage in traffic accidents from both perspectives.We also looked at the existence of “cars” and wanted to draw the negative part of the car that had been sold ugly to enrich people's lives.

Why did you make it?

My mother suffered a traffic accident on July 15, 2015, and later committed suicide on October 23, suffering from sequelae. Since then, I have been creating works with the “Memorial of the Dead” as the core of my creative activities. So traffic accidents and suicide are very important themes for me.Because I am a family who suffers from traffic accidents, when I think about “traffic accidents”, I think I have to think about the “perpetrators” who are competing. Traffic accidents happen by chance and anyone driving can be a victim or a perpetrator. However, in the news, there is a mechanism for empathizing only the victims, and it is a diagram of "perpetrator = evil". There is a situation and suffering both on the victim side and on the perpetrator side, and the more complicated and still unthinkable in the news by drawing the "afterwards" of people in an unpermitted position that has taken the lives of people I think we can acquire the “imagination to others” that will not be.

How did you make it?

Listening to the stories of the children who died from the bereaved family and regaining their names instead of “6 poor victims” (Aino Kumano, Daime Ihara, Takuma Omori, Mika Sekiguchi, Anya Hoshino, Yuta Shimotsuma I drew a pre-life episode. I also walked back to school road with Aito-kun's dad and drew what I saw along the way. Aito-kun was placed at the center of the venue, and his poems were also placed. My position is outsiders. Therefore, the most important thing was to make sure that neither the victim nor the perpetrator was close.Victims suffer, and perpetrators also suffer.If either one is emphasized, it will not be possible to think about “traffic accidents”.I don't want to express that sadness. I made an attempt to crawl the evil aspects of the car society that pretends to be the sparkle of the children, the existence and position of the perpetrators to be erased, and irrelevant. Therefore, I made an effort to make the exhibition structure so that the events were not divided into white or black so that they would not land anywhere.

Your entry’s specification

Corridor-type installation centering on 180 paintings