No. 99


By : TIK

Entrant’s location : 日本



オープン・ハンドサイクルとはオンラインショップで入手可能な材料で組み上げられ、普段 利用している車椅子に取り付けて利用する脱着可能なアダプタータイプの手漕ぎ自転車。 おもに肢体不自由児・者が利用することを想定している。 彼らの 「自転車に乗ってみたい」「友達や家族と同じことをしたい」 という希望を叶えるために制作を開始。 溶接などの特殊技術が不要で、カット・穴あけ・研磨の最小限に抑えた工程のパーツで構成 しているため、自宅での組み立てが可能。成長に合わせてサイズを変えることも簡単に行える。 こちらを使用し、特別支援学校で、普段外出が行えない児童に対して試乗体験・ワークショッ プを行う。 児童に対して、外出への興味を持つ契機とすることと、教員 ( 普段は忙しさや不安などから外 出を控える傾向にある ) への外出の大切さを伝えることを目的として実施している。

What did you create?

An open hand cycle is a detachable adapter-type rowing bicycle that is assembled from materials available to buy online and attached to a standard wheelchair. It is designed for use to be used by children and adults and can be assembled with a material cost of only about 20,000 yen, mainly for physically disabled people.

Why did you make it?

Based on the bicycle parts and aluminum frame, it does not require special techniques such as welding, and it is configured as a part of the process that minimizes cutting, drilling and polishing, so it can be assembled at home. You can easily change the size as you grow. This will be used as a special support school, and test drive experiences and workshops will be provided for children who cannot usually go out.

How did you make it?

Based on the bicycle parts and aluminum frame, it does not require special techniques such as welding, and the process is specially configured to minimize cutting, drilling and polishing, so that it can be assembled at home. You can easily change the size as you grow. This will be used at special support schools, and test drive experiences and workshops will be provided for children who cannot usually go out.

Your entry’s specification

Assembled using only materials that can be purchased easily, such as online or at home centers. Although commercially available hand cycles are expensive, it is possible to assemble them using only cheap materials, and it is possible to assemble at them home because special techniques are not required. The design aims to make it easier to adjust the size and replace the parts as the body moves and grows.